Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Real Vacation?

On Thursday "d" (the guy i am seeing) and I will be going to San Deigo for 3 nights. He is dropping his son off at diabetes camp for 10 days, thank god, and we are going straight to San Diego from there. Staying at the Hotel Del Coronado. A really nice place and is supposed to be haunted.

I am using up my American Express points, for 2 of the nights, before my ex can claim a part of those too! I just want to eat, sleep, have sex, swim in the ocean and the pools, and do it all over again. The only thing that is now making me wonder is that the brat, which I will call d's teeager, has threatened to get thrown out of diabetes camp becasue he doesn't really want to go. I swear if he does that I will refuse to leave San Diego, and d will have to figure out how to deal with it.

I met d's mom today. She is amazing!!!!! She is in her late 90's, and looks 70, and is incredible! She was planning on cooking a big dinner, but her power had been out since 12 noon, we arrived at 3. By 4:30 still no power so we went out for dinner. She walks the mall every morning, she keeps a perfect house, I hope I am like her when I am that old. I think she liked me, when d went into the house, we were sitting on the patio after dinner, she told me she had not seen him that happy for a long time, and that he had been very depressed. I can imagine, a single dad trying to raise the brat. No sex, no social life to speak of, and a very demanding job. I really think that we were destined to find each other.

I had a power failure last night, the heat is horrible, and the humidity is awful. Southern California is not supposed to be humid. so WTF is that all about! Can't wait until fall, the time change, which will cool things off in and of itself.

1 comment:

daddyslittlecommie said...

damn! i missed you! not that you were in the market for meeting new people at the time. ;)
