Thursday, November 30, 2006

My little slice of heaven

After all this time the for sale sign will go up on my home tomorrow morning. The place where I have raised 3 children, had holidays and birthdays dinners. Hosted slumber parties, and pizza parties. Cried and laughed. Mourned my losses, and celebrated joys.
I feel so melancholy about this. I just hope that I can find my new "home" sonner than later, so I can start over. I will miss my glass of wine while watching the sun set here.

Friday, November 17, 2006

It Works!

Well looky there it is now working. It only took a few days. Those blogger bone heads. I highly recommend that you DO NOT convert your blog until they have the bugs worked out of the monster!

I moved home to and gave up on blogger when it ate my blog, but I was trying to post to rattie-pooh and low and behold I signed in at it worked!

What up wid dat!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

There's no place like home

I really want to go back to my home at my-meadow. I feel like a fugative, posting here so my soon to be ex can't read any secrets of my new life, so I don't have to worry about being spied on. I don't know why I should care, but I do. I know he was there once upon a time, but I don't know if he followed me or even cares to. I guess I am just a bit paranoid.

Sometimes I wonder if my life could have been any different if I did things differently. It just seems as if I have experienced more than my fair share of crap. Notice I used the word fair. Probably nothing is really fair about sadness and tragedy. There is no more normal here, just day to day, whats next? Right now I look forward to having no IV and no wires sticking out of the finger so I can do really easy things like cook, wash dishes and shower without swathing my body in plastic wrap. I have always said little things make me happy, I'll bet no one realized how little those things were.

God I pray that things don't get worse. Because I know that they can.