Monday, November 26, 2007

Gobble Gobble

Well the final count for thanksgiving was 19. I had a 27 pound bird. It was too much, but the school of thought ranges from 1 pound per person to 1 ½ pounds per person, even thought I had 2 vegetarians, I had 6 20 something and teenage boys who eat like there is no tomorrow, so I didn’t want to be running out of turkey.

It was more than enough; I had lots of leftovers for the next night and still have too much in my fridge. I will either have to throw it away or freeze what I can.

I am back at the office after a week off that was really nice. At least with Jake home I actually did stuff, and didn’t sleep all day. I accomplished enough during the week, including cooking for the mob, to feel like the rest I did get was warranted.

Been thinking about Nat a lot. Tonight the wind was blowing outside; when she was little she used to be afraid of the wind. If the windows or sliding glass was open while it was winding, as she called it, she wanted it closed and would close them. During the summer months in Tahoe it drove me nuts, but it’s winding Aunt Ann.

There were some very severe wind storms that would knock out power and trees that really frightened her. It lasted until she was an adult, and still unconsciously would shut the windows when the wind started blowing.

So goes the holidays. They will only get worse, Barbara’s birthday the 9th, then the holidays, Barbara’s death date 1/2, Nats 2/1. Not to mention all the holly and ivy in between.


Yvonne said...

I'm glad you had a house full for Thanksgiving. You sound like a great hostess and cook.

I can understand why this season brings Natalie's spirit to mind. I hope there comes a time when you think of her the sadness will be replaced with happiness in your heart.

Mage said...

Hi Annie, Mage here from Open Diary. Thanks so much for dropping me a note. I'm much easier to access at blogspot:
where I have a mirror for my blog. Ronnie Bennett was so unhappy with my OD site's awkwardness, that I allowed myself to start one here too.

Yes, I hope you enjoyed all the wonderful visitors you had over the holiday. I too would have gone with the 1 pound per body if I had teens coming. Yes too, we care and are here.