Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I am feeling extremely grouchy the last couple days. I have also had some pretty awful nightmares. Not sure if it’s the holidays, p.m.s., or just life. This year I decided to do nothing for the people at work. I exchange with 2 people here, have for years, so only did that. I used to take my whole staff out for lunch on my dime somewhere nice. But this year I just said forget it, it just seems like a lot of effort that not everyone appreciates. So Bah Humbug.

I think talking to my ex-husband on Monday night probably didn’t help my mood either. He is so nonchalant. Like nothing ever happened. Before he said good-bye he said well I guess I will see you on Sunday when I pick up Jake. Yea right in your dreams! It tortures me to see him, to talk to him. I didn’t want to be divorced; I don’t suppose he gets that. He might move to Hong Kong for a couple years for work, I say please go, the farther the better, less chance of ever having to run into you or talk.

I did finish my Christmas cards. I can’t believe I actually got through that exercise. So everything is done, one gift to buy menus to plan and shop for Christmas Eve and day, then all the gifts to wrap.

I have been giving Daisy her allergy shots very 4 days. It seems like they might be working. She is not licking her paws as much. I hope so, as she really seemed miserable for awhile there.

I am trying to keep up with this site a little more. I think it helps to keep me grounded.


Mage said...

Seasonal depression combined with a divorce you didn't want will do you in every time. I do understand having been there. Now I just live with a guy who gets seasonal affective disorder. Ah well.

Yvonne said...

Finishing my holiday cards was a tough one for me too. I put up exactly zero decorations this year. No one appreciates them, the husband groans about maybe having to help me put them away, the oldest son is traveling out of state with his girlfriend's family and won't be here and the youngest son is so far up shit's creek with his father they still haven't spoken. So, ho, ho, ho ... no.

I am so ready for the new year to begin. I believe this new year will bring a better emotional balance for me. I hope it holds wonderful things for you too.

Anonymous said...

~~~I think scratching out a blog can have a fairly good effect on one's mood (and keep you grounded), but then there's those times when your server and/or comment program gives you a hard time (and Blogger/Google is really good at pissing me off) so--for me, anyway--I just get really angry and have to resist the temptation to throw my keyboard out of the window!

When sitting in front of the monitor for hours and still not really getting anything done becomes "one of those days", I often wonder why I am wasting my time with the stupid PC anyway!

Can't win. But we hang in there. I figure no machine is going to make an idiot out of ME. (then it does, of course) Har Har

I love it, though. The computer and my websites have become a very large part of my life since I retired in 1993....and it sure is a lot more fun than going to work every stinkin' day..hahaha

Hang tough, Toots!!