Sunday, January 06, 2008

Its Sunday

Its still raining here. We have had rain since Friday, much needed rain. Yesterday it remained cloudy and strayed dry until in the evening when it began to rain again. I like the rain, so I am not complaining, and we need the rain.

Took Jake to the airport yesterday and put him on a plane for home. I always feel so alone when he goes back to school after a break. Today is no exception.

Last night I went to a place called The Summit House in Fullerton fora birthday dinner with D and the Brat. Candice went too which was nice. There were 14 of us, it was a 90th birthday celebration for D's mom, who turned 90. She is amazing for her age. She looks 65 or 70, and is extremely alert and full of piss and vinegar.

I am really hungry for hamburger. So I am sitting here contemplating going out in the rain to do some grocery shopping, that is needed. Then driving through in and out for lunch.


Mage said...

Oh, what fun. A drive through for a hamburger. Don't laugh, but Denny's has an awfully good bacon chedar the extra mayo. That's one of the reasons I am on Weight Watchers today.

Lunch sounds like lots of fun.

Mage said...

Well? Did you.....and now that the sun is returning for a week, how are you?

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