Sunday, March 09, 2008

Daylight Savings

I really owe the blog a post. Work hads been crazy busy the last 2 weeks and I have been letting it get to me.

I started WW (weight Watchers) 2 weeks ago. And so far I have been doing ok. Lost a total of 5 pounds. So only 15 more to go. I really should be shooting for a total of 30 pounds instead of 20, but I have come to the decision that It is too much work to be and stay that thin. If I can get down 20 pounds I will be quite content.

Roscoe started acting very weird last night. I am not quite sure what it is, he is still in the same place this morning. Ate his meals but is refusing to take treats. Which it really odd since he loves his treats.

I really hate daylight savings time. I don't like it to be light until 8 or 9 in the evening. I like winter time and all the things that go along with it, rain, cold, blustery days and early evenings. Daisy will be happy since now it will be light enough to walk her in the evening after work. She is the only one happy about the upcoming summer.

So I have realized after living here one year today. That I need to watch my budget much closer. I have had to dip into my meager savings two times this year to make ends meet. On was at Christmas, which was my own fault and now this next time is this time of year with taxes, house insurance and other various once a year bills come due. I need to make a budget and stick to it.


Yvonne said...

Five pounds in two weeks is excellent. The WW program is a really good, balanced way of life. I can't do it due to my food allergies but for someone who is healthy - it obviously works!

I hope everything is alright with Roscoe.

Mage said...

Yeah budget here, yeah WW here too. I start work next week so I watch less budget and more health. Thank you for stopping by and leaving notes. They are appreciated. :)

Mage said...

RYN in March: Yes, there is a whole wall of his colorful things. Great, entertaining...delightful, and way beyond my budget. We had a lot of fun there yesterday. :)

Rattie said...

Five pounds - congratulations!!

How is Roscoe?