Monday, July 17, 2006

My New Mantra

"I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage, with my books, my family, and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most spendid post, which any human power can give."

Thomas Jefferson

This is an excerpt from an e-mail from my attorney today ....

...On Friday I received a letter from A*** attorney which you will get. There are a couple of surprises...I think he is saying that when he received the $29,815 net pay, A**** was 9 months behind on the first and 10 months behind on the 2nd, and he paid those out of those funds. Unbelievable! I have put a call into his lawyer to verify that's what he meant, because, as you know, his letter is 12 pages long and I might have mis-read it. He wants to put the house on the market, but, wants to charge you "rent" for being there in the interim. Legally, he can do that, but I would like your permission to say, if he is charging "rent", you'll move out and pay rent elsewhere, and he'll have to make the house available for showing, and you'll charge him rent........

Al F*cking lies from his attorney. If the payment was that late we would have been forclosed on. This is amazing. The crap is is trying to pull. What did I do to deserve this!!!

1 comment:

daddyslittlecommie said...

nothing. you did nothing to deserve this. some men can just be asses. sorry dear!
