Friday, July 06, 2007

Flying Solo

Yesterday I was home, day off, cleaning lady was coming and I didn't want to be here while she worked. So I decided to do something I never do, I went out to breakfast by myself. I went to a little place in town and sat outside, it was early so the air was still cool, brought my LA times, and settled in. There were a few other solo breakfast waters at tables, mostly guys. I ordered 2 poached eggs and bacon, decaf coffee. It wasn' so bad, I enjoyed the cool air the food was fine, and had 3 cups of java before I realized I still had several more hours to kill.

I decided to get my car washed, by then it was about 10:30 and the mall was open so that was my next stop. Daringly I went right to the Theatre-plex and decided a movie would be fun. I had wanted to see Ratatouille, and it was starting in 5 minutes perfect,well almost. Until SOLD OUT began flashing instead of the showtime, and several screaming children behind me were very disappointed. Ah, a sign, I need to see something rated R. No kids, quiet theatre. Knocked Up was starting so I got my ticket and hurried into the quiet theatre with no more that 10 adults. The movie was light, funny, and what I needed, no serious stuff. Afterwards I hit Nordstroms for a couple T's and went home to a clean house.

I't felt good to at last not be afraid to be alone and do things alone. I have never been to a movie or eaten alone, excpet when I have traveled on business. Even then I get room service 99% of the time.

If you have not read my Food Blog, you need to get your fannies over there and start. I am hoping to have a byline on this site soon. The approached me:

...I would like to suggest is that we collaborate on the reposting of your reviews about Pasadena restaurants. We are very tightly focused, geographically, and cannot carry articles on restaurants OUTSIDE Pasadena. But those that are in Pasadena we'd love to cover, running your byline and link to your blog. Does this interest you?

Hell ya!


Anonymous said...

i really like going to breakfast by myself (well, brunch since i am a late sleeper). get some time for myself. movies are different, it depends on the film. if hubby doesn't want to see it i'm fine, if he does i hate going alone. go figure!


Rattie said...

So are you now going to become a famous restaurant/food critic?! Kewl.

I do read your food blog, but sadly my cooking is horrible and envy people who can cook. **sniff**

Yvonne said...

Congratulations on the link!

I do most of my shopping and have seen quite a few movies by myself. Sometimes that's better, at least for me.