Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Brat

Ok, so I have covered the level of brattiness that I am dealing with, right? Well just when you thought it couldn't get any worse! Last night the collective "we", D, I, the brat and a friend of the brats went to a Dodger game. Leaving the game, the brat thinks its really funny to laugh, point, say rude things and eventually flip off the car next to us that is trying to merge out of the parking lot and into our lane, all the while D has no idea what is going on in the back seat, and is fighting traffic. I twice told the brat not to antagnonize the people in the car next to us, they were inches away. And so was his friend, but the brat says "whats does that mean?", and the friend responds what you are doing right now! The rest of the ride home he wanted to blast music, Dad says no, so he asks me, I ignore him and tell him not to put me in that position, overriding dad. So he starts to talk smack about his dad to his friend, and I can hear it all! I bit my tongue not to say something to embarrass him in front of his friend, but I wanted to say, your dad may be deaf, but I can hear every word you say and I can talk too!

BTW, did I mention D is hearing impaired and reads lips? He speaks clearly, but if he isn't looking at you he can't "hear" what you are saying. Makes for fun in the bedroom, lots of sex with the lights on.

1 comment:

daddyslittlecommie said...

motion seconded.


PS-sounds like you're having FUN!!!