Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Poor Sprocket

This morning Sprocket wasn't himslef. Was pacing the bedroom, would not eat his breakfast, and basically fell over while he was walking. I went into panic mode. I think it was because of the nightmare I had last night. Anyhow called and took him right to the vet. $420 later, it seems he has really bad arthritis. The disks in is back are compressed and he has bone spurs all up and down his back. So he ws just in alot of pain. We are however still waiting for the blood and urine panels to come back. More pain meds, he is already on one daily for is arthritis, metacam. Now a new one. I just feel bad for my little old man.


daddyslittlecommie said...

i'm so sorry dear. at least sprocket has you. poor ol' guy. give him some lovin' from me, please.

hope to see you soon!
Denise (from ratchatter)

Christine G. said...

give sprocket my love. i hope he can rebound to feeling better. good luck with the meds. hopefully they'll help.

Rattie said...


Poor Sprocket...hope he is feeling better soon!

I think I use to read you back on Diaryland...