Saturday, July 15, 2006

Too hot!

I am back after 5 days on a little adventure. I drove the boy up to Chico state, moved him into the dorm for a four week class. Stayed with some friends that nght is a little town just outside of Chico. We have know each other for 16 years, I hadn't seen her in about 6 years. maybe even longer! THen the next day drove to Nevada City. That is where one of my best friends live.

Hung out for a few days and came home on Thursday. It is hard to go back to the mountains and them leave. It was really my home, the only place that I actaully felt like I was at home. Driving home was bittersweet. I missed my dogs, my lover and my house, but also realized that soon I will be moving. THe house has to be sold to settle the divorce, and that I am alone now in my house.

THe last couple of nights have been really wierd. I will wake up in the middle of the night, and realize that I am all alone in the house. I don't know if I feel lonely as much as I feel alone.

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