Sunday, June 10, 2007

New Lamps for Old

One of my favorite stories when I was growing up was about Aladdin. It wasn't the traditional story, it was sort of a side note. It was on an old LP and sometimes my mom would put in on the record player for us to listen to as we were falling asleep, sort of a self service bedtime story. I would force myself to stay awake until she came in and flipped it to the other side so that I could hear the whole story and the end, but usually I fell asleep. The narration was superb, and the way the narrator enunciated some of the words was just comical. I do remember one part of the story where the main character wanted to get rid of his "lamp", in the market place was a vendor calling out "New lamps for old, New lamps for old".

Yesterday I went and bought a new lamp for my bedroom. It reminded me of this story from my childhood.


Yvonne said...

I like your nightstand also.

Rattie said...

Great lamp! I've been looking for a similar lamp!