Thursday, October 04, 2007


I am thinking about doing this. It starts on Monday and it is from 6-7 Monday-Friday for 4 weeks. The program is actually 6 weeks, but I am signing up late. Actually I think I can stomach 4 weeks to start with, if it works and I like it I will do 6 more weeks maybe. I am kind of nervous; I haven’t committed to do anything like this for a long time, at least by choice. I think it will be good for me. Perhaps I will lose some weight, god knows I need to do that, and gain a little self esteem, and actually feel better once the soreness wears off, if it ever does.


Anonymous said...

Hey can I come too? Looks like fun(in a weird sort of way). Or wait a year, looks like we may be moving back home!!! Finally out of the bowels of California! Pam

Yvonne said...

I hope you do it! All kinds of good things can come of it and you'll meet a lot of new people.

Rattie said...

It may help you feel wonderful about yourself! It sounds challenging and fun!