Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Fall, autumn, whatever you call it is my most favorite time of the year. The weather starts to change, the leaves start to fall, the evenings warrant a blanket, or a sweatshirt. In Tahoe I loved them even more. Brisk, windy, colors, frost, the smell of the fireplace. But I no longer live there, so I will have to learn to love southern California Fall. The owls start to hoot in the evening, I love this. At the other house, I could see them because of the view, roosting. When they would hoot, their little butts would push up, and they would lean forward and really get into it. I still have the image in my mind, so the sound is enough. The acorns on the oak trees fall, when the wind blows it sounds like hail on the roof! The big ring neck doves love them, so do the squirrels and the deer. I am fortunate to live in an area where I actually see more wildlife than I did in Tahoe. I wish it would rain.

BTW. I didn't so the boot camp. I talked t the trainer at length, I was worried about my bad knee which needs TLC in Yoga class. He didn't recommend it, but thought that a personal trainer 3 times a week could accomplish the same results. So now way right now. I will


Yvonne said...

I lovef your description of the hooting owls. I've never seen one hoot but when I take evening walks through the state forest, they do fly overhead and I'm always amazed at their wingspan.

Yvonne said...

Opps, that would be I *loved* your description. Sorry.